CRM Security Roles Summary

To quickly view which role have what rights, You can use this SQL query:

        ,COALESCE(e.OriginalLocalizedName, e.Name) AS EntityName
        ,CASE p.AccessRight
             WHEN 32     THEN 'Create' 
             WHEN 1      THEN 'Read'
             WHEN 2      THEN 'Write'
             WHEN 65536  THEN 'Delete' 
             WHEN 4      THEN 'Append'
             WHEN 16     THEN 'AppendTo'
             WHEN 524288 THEN 'Assign' 
             WHEN 262144 THEN 'Share' 
             ELSE 'None'
        END AS [Privilege]
        ,CASE (rp.PrivilegeDepthMask % 0x0F)
             WHEN 1 THEN 'User (Basic)'
             WHEN 2 THEN 'Business Unit (Local)'
             WHEN 4 THEN 'Parental (Deep)'
             WHEN 8 THEN 'Organization (Global)'
             ELSE 'Unknown'
        END AS [PrivilegeLevel]
        ,(rp.PrivilegeDepthMask % 0x0F) as PrivilegeDepthMask
        ,CASE WHEN e.IsCustomEntity = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS IsCustomEntity
FROM    Role AS r
INNER JOIN RolePrivileges AS rp ON r.RoleId = rp.RoleId
INNER JOIN Privilege AS p ON rp.PrivilegeId = p.PrivilegeId
INNER JOIN PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes AS potc ON potc.PrivilegeId = p.PrivilegeId
INNER JOIN MetadataSchema.Entity AS e ON e.ObjectTypeCode = potc.ObjectTypeCode
ORDER BY r.Name, EntityName

Get strongly typed attribute logical name for CRM Entity

When using early bound entities, there’s a easy way to get CRM entity logical attribute name thanks to AttributeLogicalNameAttribute attribute in generated code. You can use this simple extension method:

        public static string GetEntityPropertyLogicalName<E, P>(this E src, Expression<Func<E, P>> expression)
            var member = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
            if (member != null && member.Member is PropertyInfo)
                var pi = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
                var pn = pi.Name;

                var epi = typeof(E).GetProperty(pn);
                var attr = (AttributeLogicalNameAttribute) epi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(AttributeLogicalNameAttribute));

                if (attr == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException(pn, "AttributeLogicalNameAttribute not found on property");

                return attr.LogicalName;

            throw new ArgumentException("Expression is not a Property");

And usage is very simple:

            var account = new Account();
            var line1 = account.GetEntityPropertyLogicalName(p => p.Address1_Line1);

Now line1 should contain address1_line1 string.

Lookup Dialog in CRM 2013 with custom FetchXML filtering

Dynamics 2013 introduced some new cool functions to filter lookup during “run-time”, so we can do something like this:

var ctrl = Xrm.Page.getControl('some_lookup_control');
ctrl.addPreSearch(function() {
 var someFetchXml = '<filter type="and"><condition attribute="some_field" operator="eq" value="some_value" /></filter>';

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